
Saturday, August 11, 2012

Just Call Me Packing Pro or Mover & Shaker, I'll answer to both.

This is what much of my vacation looked like:

my parents and my brother are moving to town!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

In case you are wondering, I am seriously excited!

Here is a little more from our short lived family vacation turned family packing adventure:

The good thing about family vacations are all the photo opps.
I think this is a great shot of my little brother, Zachery, and me riding in the backseat on our way to get some mexican grub.

My Mom and I had a little bit of photo fun at a florist/uhual shop she's been working at while living 3 hours away from me. If I have the idea right you bring in your own camera and they supply all the props. I edited these pics with the PicsArt app on my Droid phone. Do yourself a favor and don't get this app, it is highly addictive!

 I'm naming this picture "giraffe kisses."
But actually all this giraffe wanted was some food. I took this picture at Pine Mountain Animal Safari. You can drive thru and feed all kinds of animals for $20 (adults). I have loved this place since I was a child. My family still enjoys it.

Then it was back to the ocean of boxes.

We also celebrated my dad's birthday while I was in town with them. Birthdays are a big deal in our family, and so are birthday cards. At this point I think I've read them ALL. What is that Bible verse about "nothing new under the sun"? Think he wrote that about greeting cards? Nah, me either. ;)
Here are some images of the card I got for him:

It is back to school season in these parts.
 So tomorrow in church we will be having a special Back To School Prayer for the kids and teens and whoever will be going back to school. This is a good chance for my kids church to see how we pray for each other. I'm looking forward to it.

“Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland."
-Isaiah 43:18-19

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