
Tuesday, June 19, 2012

I'm gonna be a fabulous author.

Okay, stop. That's my dream you're laughing at! :) Seriously though, that's the plan. Our program we use at work has been down today so instead of wasting valuable time playing games on my Droid, I've been enjoying my favorite writer's blogs. What a way to make a living, eh? This doesn't happen often @ work, but it's a welcome surprise when it does. Anyways let's get back on topic: About two months ago I got another book idea. I say "another" because I have had a lot of book ideas. The difference is:this idea isn't crappy. I feel like its from God as well. I'm kinda excited about it! I've always loved creative writing. Whether it was for a school assignment or simplifying a Bible story for a kids church lesson. Or even just for fun. When Ive tried writing a novel before I couldn't see how to end it.Really all I could come up with was an opening scene. Or two. Our four. But this time I have likeable characters (well I like them anyways) that are going somewhere, doing something, and meeting God in a new way.The writing has really been flowing out of me. All I can say is it must be God. My prayer throughout this "becoming a fabulous author" process is that anyone I can talk into reading my book(s)will fall for God--if not for the first time then in a new way. I want to be a blessing, an encourager to my readers. Even if "my readers" consists of my parents, family, and friends. I have a large family, so if they are the only ones to read a Jamie Brooke original....I'm fine with that. They already think I'm fabulous anyway. <3 zechariah 4:10....don't despise these small beginnings.....my God delights in the small.

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